Leadership Development & Executive Coaching Firm in Roanoke, Va.




13 Key Strategies To Remember When Planning For The New Year

With 2020 only a few weeks away, business leaders are already deciding how their companies are going to forge ahead into the new year. While this is the start of a new decade, some things remain the same.

A company should always seek to improve itself. The final goal of being “the best” at something is incremental and requires lots of small changes over the years to achieve. Thirteen experts from Forbes Coaches Council examine a few techniques business leaders can implement as they start planning for the new year, and explain why those methods are so important to achieving success.

Jennifer Owen-O’Quill’s, Director of Leadership and Strategy, answer on engagement was chosen as #12:

Engage To Create Ownership

Incorporate employee engagement in your planning process. Ask for their input in two areas: 1) Ask them to identify issues and opportunities they think are critical for the company's success. 2) Share the company's top priorities and ask them how they think the company can best work toward those priorities. This gives you a chance to see a blind spot, and creates ownership of the top priorities.

Clear here to read 12 more great answers from Forbes Coaching Council!

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